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Craftsman National Construction® Cost Data

Craftsman Book Co Logo

As of December 2013, Smart Construction Software LLC is proud to announce our strategic relationship with Craftsman Books, publisher of Craftsman National Construction Estimator®, Craftsman National Home Improvement Estimator®, and Craftsman National Renovation & Insurance Estimator® costbooks.


What are Craftsman National Construction Estimator® costbooks?


Craftsman National Construction Estimator costbooks provide current, localized building costs for residential, commercial, and industrial construction, including estimated prices for every common building material, the labor cost to install the material and a total “installed” cost. For those jobs where you can’t rely on your past experience to estimate, rely on the prices in this national standard of construction costs to get you safely in the ballpark.

Provides man hours, recommended crew, and the labor cost for installation of every job and practically every type of material in construction. Provides clear descriptions on what is included in the job being estimated so you know exactly what the job and the prices for that job entail. Every cost is carefully described. It even provides suggested crew sizes, and equipment rates.


SmartContractor now allows you to purchase and integrate the  Craftsman National Construction Estimator costbooks right into the program so you can build estimates by simply pulling cost items directly from the costbooks.